I’m also available to provide a variety of consultations/platicas. I have knowledge in the areas of nutrition and diet, fertility and pre-conception plans, herbs for reproductive health, anatomy, and sexuality. This knowledge combined with my experience as a full-spectrum doula and sexological bodyworker provide with the tools to offer consultations that are comprehensive, client-centric, and informed.
*Career Consultations- Many people have been requesting time with me to learn about my personal journey in bodywork, doula-hood and activism. I have been on this path for several years now and have navigated a slightly uncommon path and would love to share my experiences and tailor the conversation to your interests and curiosities and help you customize your path so you can hit the floor running.
Consults are open to all people. Consults can be in person or online via video chat/or Skype.
Consultations/Platicas Costs: Sliding Scale $50-$120